A really clever kitchen gadget is not only ingenious but helps you do a job in the kitchen that is annoying and time consuming. These clever gadgets get the job done and look awfully cute in the process. These are perfect gifts for bridal showers where you’re asked to bring a kitchen gadget or utensil, for the young person getting their first apartment, or for yourself just because you really need it!
I love this. I’ve seen videos on using plastic bottles to separate the yolk from the egg. I even tried it and it works, but this goldfish is so much cuter and look how easy it is to hold. This may be a “gotta have.” What do you think? The Yolkfish costs $18.00. Get it here.
These sandwich coasters are cheap at just six bucks and anything to encourage kids to use coasters I’m all for. These might just do the trick. Get it here.
Here’s another winner, especially if you don’t have a lot of space or are tired of looking in a cabinet or drawer overrun with kitchen utensils and want to keep everything together in one easy place. The Kitchen in a Bottle costs $22 and for the twenty something crowd who might have their first place, this stack has it all: a funnel, lemon juicer, spice grater, egg masher, cheese grater, lid grip/opener, egg yolk separator, AND a measuring cup all in one, easy to store place. Is it just me or do these remind you of the stacking cups your kids used to play with? Just asking. Get it here.
The Cooking Block is a little pricey at $42 but if you’re trying to organize your kitchen this looks like a great little invention. Much better than stuffing everything in a utensil crock. I just wish you could order the color you want for decorating purposes. Get it here.
If you’re a big Etsy fan and like to give baked goods away as gifts, try these personalized rolling pins. Probably not as practical as others on the list. But so original, I had to give it a thumbs up. Get it here.
My boys put this in their aunt’s stocking for Christmas. His name is Fred and he’s called Mister Tea. It looks like he’s just hanging out in a hot tub. This was a big hit at the office. He costs less than ten bucks. Get it here.
Warning, don’t use with hibiscus tea, the results could be deadly.
If you’re looking for a little bling. Here’s a gem of a product. Cut glass ice cubes. Sparkly and fun. Get it here.
And this I added, not because I’m Scottish, but because it made me laugh. It’s the Nessie Soup Ladle. Get it here.
These were some of our favorites. How about you? Do you have any cool and fun kitchen gadgets that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you.